Happy New Year!

Hello, everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and wanted to extend my best wishes for a happy, healthy and blessed 2019!

Also, a quick update on my books: the fourth book in the Band of Believers series, DARKNESS, is now available on Amazon. And through Saturday, the first book in the series, DISSENT, is on sale.

Enjoy! And God bless you all.

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My biggest sale!

Hey everyone!

Band of Believers, Book 4: DARKNESS, is now available on pre-order for a Christmas Day publication date.

In celebration, I’m having my biggest sale to date.  The first three books of the series are all available through Saturday on Kindle Countdown Deals in the U.S. and the U.K.

But don’t delay — the sale ends Saturday night, Dec. 8, 2018.

God bless you all, and Merry Christmas!


As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

New book on the way, and a sale

Hello everyone!

Just a quick update: Band of Believers, Book 4: DARKNESS, is now undergoing final revisions for a Christmas release date.


Book 1: DISSENT, will be on a Kindle Countdown deal in the U.S. and U.K. December 2-8, 2018.  If you’ve already read it, this is a great time to recommend it to a friend, or gift them a copy.

May God richly bless you as you follow Him!

Thank you!

Hi, everyone!  As you may know, the third book in Band of Believers came out yesterday.  A lot of you optimists pre-ordered it, which amazes and blesses me.  Thank you for your confidence in, and support of, my little writing endeavors!

Also, thanks to the first person who wrote an Amazon review for this new book, PoolLady… wow, you are a quick reader!  And thanks for the kind words!  Reviews help us authors stay in business, so thank you to everyone who leaves a nice one.  🙂

For those of you who haven’t read the series (or for those of you who have, and want to help spread the word) the first book in Band of Believers, DISSENT, will be on sale September 4-10 in the U.S. and U.K.

God bless you, dear readers. Have a wonderful day!

Keep breathing

Hello, readers!

As you may know, fires are burning all across the western United States and Canada. What you might hear less about is the smoke. It’s everywhere. We’re smothered in it.

For the past ten days or so, my region has suffered very poor air quality. We’ve gone from an Unhealthy rating, to Very Unhealthy, to Hazardous.

At my house, it looks like grey/brown fog that hides the mountains (you wouldn’t have a clue they are even there!) and lies across the lawns, trees, roads and towns.

Then there’s the stench. It’s bad outside, and now it’s creeping inside, too. My home smells like second-hand smoke. When I take The Monster out for a potty break, we bring the stench back with us. In her fur. In my hair and clothes.

It burns the eyes and pains the throat. And unless God sends lots of blessed rain, we can look forward to this for another six weeks or so.

But so many people have it so much worse than we do!  Others have lost lives, homes, pets and possessions to the fires. Won’t you join with me in praying for them?

Dear Lord Jesus, we ask for help for those who have lost so much. For comfort for those who are displaced, and who have lost loved ones. We thank you for your deep love. We thank you for clean air and rain, and ask you to send more of it our way. Thank you, Lord Jesus. We love you. Amen.

Book 2 on sale; Book 3 on pre-order!

Hello, everybody!

I hope you are having an excellent summer, growing in the Lord with greater enthusiasm than the weeds in our yards!

Just a bit of quick news: Band of Believers, Book 2: Duplicity is going to be discounted for the first time!  It’ll be discounted Thursday, July 26 through Monday, July 30, 2018. So if you haven’t read it yet, now is a great time.

Also — I’m excited to announce that Book 3: Destruction is available for pre-order on Amazon. It’s set to go live on September 1 (so if you pre-order it, Amazon will deliver it to your device that day).

For more news about upcoming books, discounts, and some fun giveaways, sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, release your email to anybody, or otherwise be obnoxious, I promise!

God bless you, my friends! Have a great day!

Why I love BookBub

Recently I asked a friend if she subscribed to BookBub, and she’d never heard of it. I was a little surprised, because she loves reading… but as I thought about it, I was less surprised. After all, I’m a big time reader, too… and a writer. And you know how I found out about it? An attorney friend told me!

So for those of you who love e-book bargains and haven’t heard about it yet, here’s the scoop:

What is BookBub?

BookBub is a great place to find great books on sale!  You go there, set up an account, select the types of books you like to read, and get ready… each morning, you’ll have an email with links to books for free or really cheap!

Most are priced at 99 cents or $1.99, and I think the highest price is $2.99 U.S.

The sales are limited-time, though. Some of the books may be on sale that day only. Some might be on sale for a week. BookBub emails don’t provide that info. So double check the purchase price before purchasing, if you’re looking at yesterday’s email instead of today’s!

The worst thing about BookBub, in my opinion, is that they send me so many great deals that I buy too many and don’t around to reading them all. Seriously. I’m a book collector. But at least these aren’t taking up space in my house, and I don’t have to dust them. They’re e-books, hooray!

FYI, for those of you wondering about Band of Believers Book 3 — it’s on the way. Progress is underway for a late summer release. I’m loving this book, even more than the first two!

That is all for now, my friends. May God bless you!

Sneak Peak: Book 3

For those of you looking for the next book, Band of Believers: Book 3 is progressing nicely, with a targeted release date in late summer.  In it, Uncle Tony will play a bigger role (due to reader request) and some of the mystery of Jacob will be resolved (due to LOTS of readers’ requests!).  Also, Willow and Josh’s mom will make an appearance!

Here’s a sneak peak:

The house shook and threw Jacob Myers out of bed. He scrambled in the darkness, untangling his feet from the blankets. Glass shattered and tinkled on the hard floor.

What in the world? Where was he?

Concussive bombs were going off. It sounded like a war zone.

He leapt up, cutting his bare foot on the broken glass.

Yelping, he loosed an expletive and grabbed his foot. Then he remembered. He was at Marcus Laramie’s house in Ponderosa, Montana. There had been an EMP. How could the country be at war? Maybe they were under attack, but they couldn’t be fighting back. They weren’t able to.


That is all, my friends, until next time. God bless you and keep you, and may His face shine upon you!

DUPLICITY is available!

Hello, friends!

The second book in the Band of Believers series, Duplicity, is now available on Amazon. I hope you enjoy it!

If you have comments or want to get in touch, please use the “Contact” link above.

Thanks!  And have a great day!
