The Beast is here!

Hello, and happy summer! (Or winter, for those of you south of the equator.) I wanted to let you know about my series sale and today’s new release.

“The Beast,” the seventh book in my Mystery Babylon series, is now available for download. Paperbacks should be out in a few days, with audio to follow later. Here’s the scoop:

When the world falls apart, the beast rises.

Reeling from the devastation of two failed wars, Russia inaugurates a new president. Before the day is over, an international assassin moves to take her out. Can Marina Orlova survive long enough to keep her country together? Or will the rising antichrist pull her country into his beastly plans?

In Israel, Mao Wu Ying finds himself in a difficult predicament. As the beast comes to power, a new digital currency is imposed, and dissent is quashed. Can Wu Ying and his Christian friends find a way to survive and evade this oppressive system?

Meanwhile, on Alaska’s remote Patmosa Island, assailants put Sierra Forester’s life in grave danger. Can Austin Martin and his neighbors find and rescue her before it’s too late? Or will Austin lose the love of his life?

Read THE BEAST, the seventh book in the thrilling Mystery Babylon series, to find out!

To celebrate the release of this new novel, all of the previous books in the series are heavily discounted. For a limited time, the first three books in the series are only 99 cents each, while books 4 through 6 are marked down to $2.99 each. If you haven’t read the series, jump in now. Or if you have, please let a friend know about this blockbuster sale. Thanks!

For those who prefer audio, books 1-6 are all available on Audible, while “The Beast” is currently with my narrator and I expect it to be available mid-summer.

Thank you for your support. Have a happy day!

New novel coming soon!

Hello, readers and friends!

I’m happy to announce the upcoming release of “The Beast,” the seventh novel in my Mystery Babylon series! Here’s what it’s about….

When the world falls apart, the beast rises.

As the end times creep forward at an agonizing pace, residents on Alaska’s remote Patmosa Island must save themselves and each other. Assailants commit a serious crime and put Sierra Forester’s life in danger. Can Austin Martin and his neighbors rescue her before it’s too late? Or will Austin lose the love of his life?

Russia, reeling from the devastation of two failed wars, inaugurates a new president. Before the day is over, an international assassin moves to take her out. Can Marina Orlova survive long enough to keep her country together? Or will the rising antichrist pull her country into his beastly plans?

Meanwhile, in Israel, Mao Wu Ying finds himself in a difficult predicament. As the beast comes to power, a new digital currency is imposed, and dissent is quashed. Can Wu Ying and his Christian friends find a way to survive and evade this oppressive system?

Read THE BEAST, the seventh book in the thrilling Mystery Babylon series, to find out!

You can pre-order now for the e-book’s June 20 release date. Thanks!

The Temple is coming!

Greetings, friends!

The newest installment in my Mystery Babylon series is coming this month. Book 6, The Temple, is set for release in e-book format on February 25. Paperbacks and audio will follow soon.

Here’s what it’s about:

The end times are bringing out the worst in people.

After the war in Israel, the world is reeling, and Wu Ying finds himself in the center of it all in the Holy Land. Conflict simmers over the desolate Temple Mount. Religious Jews are determined to rebuild their temple, while the world’s Muslims are intent on stopping them. Things get worse as a global power void emerges following the first Gog and Magog war. One man will come out on top… but who will he be?

At the same time, Sierra Forrester and Austin Martin face a mountain of turmoil on their tiny Alaskan island. Daisy’s husband is shot by an unknown assailant, and soon a young man from Fellowship Farm disappears. Strangers have arrived, straining the limited resources of the Hideaway community. Can the local residents get control of the situation, or will the dangers spiral out of control as the group prepares for a hungry winter?

The power grid and water utilities have been inoperable for months, and a disaster continues to unfold in the United States as the spent fuel rods from all the nuclear power plants begin to melt down, one after another. Most of the country is uninhabitable, and now global wind patterns and ocean currents are carrying nuclear radiation to the rest of the world. Who can stop such devastation?

Read THE TEMPLE, the sixth book in the thrilling Mystery Babylon series, to find out!

Thanks and blessings,


Looking back and looking ahead: 2024 is upon us!

Dear readers,

Wow, what a year 2023 has been! Here in the United States, we have been in a “quiet” banking crisis since March. Already, the assets lost from failed U.S. banks have exceeded those of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. Bankruptcy filings this year have done likewise. Yet, many people don’t seem to realize what a disaster we are facing.

Internationally, things have been tumultuous, as well. The Russia/Ukraine war is about to enter its third year. Following the attack on Israel in October, other players have joined in – presently, Israel is under attack from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran. The United States Navy is also under attack in the Middle East.

Jesus told us that wars and rumors of wars are to be expected at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Watch for China to seize Taiwan while the rest of the world is preoccupied with other parts of the globe.

So what do we do with all our burdens – financial, military or medical? Ah, I’m so glad you’re still reading, because there is an answer!

The answer to all these earthly problems is spiritual, my friends!

We have just this week celebrated the birth of Jesus – Emmanuel – “God with us.”

God IS with us, if we are with God! What an amazing joy and peace that brings to our hearts whenever we meditate on it.

While no human can solve any of the world’s problems, we can certainly find comfort and delight in growing closer to the Lord every day. In spite of our circumstances, we can experience joy in the presence of God.

Here is my advice: beginning today, commit to reading your Bible every day. If you’re not sure where to start, read one chapter of Psalms and one chapter of John each day… and go from there. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you in new and glorious ways. Pray for Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Pray for your family members and loved ones.

Even in the darkest time of history, you can be encouraged. Emmanuel… God is with us!

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” James 4:8a, NKJV

THE GAZELLE launches early!

Hello, reader friends! I hope your summer is going great (or winter, for those of you south of the equator). Mine has been busy but blessed.

I’m delighted to announce the launch date for THE GAZELLE, the fifth book in the Mystery Babylon series, has been moved up from late September to next week! August 15, to be exact. So if you’ve pre-ordered the e-book, you’ll be receiving it soon.

Paperbacks should be available about the same time, or possibly a few days later. Audio isn’t expected until this autumn. My narrator for this series has been dealing with a health issue, and has a backlog of books to produce. But it will be worth waiting for – she’s so talented with all the character voices in the Mystery Babylon series!

Are you wondering what comes after this book? So am I. When I find out, I’ll let you know here on the blog, or in my newsletter. In the comments section, you can let me know what you’d like to read next. I’m always interested in your input.

Until next time, be blessed, my friends!


Fifth MYSTERY BABYLON book coming soon!

Greetings, everyone!

Like some of you, I had to know what happened next to our friends (and antagonists) in the Mystery Babylon series, so… I’m working on Book 5, The Gazelle. It’s available for pre-order now.

Here’s the scoop:

Following the nuclear war, Austin Martin struggles to adjust to his new role on the tiny Alaskan island. He receives good news about his family, but it triggers dissent and confrontation in the community. Will he be able to unite the group, or will he need to leave? And what will Sierra Forester do when Austin makes his decision?

Meanwhile, Russian Major General Ivan Orlov returns to work in Siberia. His country has suffered terribly from the war, but its military remains strong. Leaders gather to debate seizing Alaska, or moving into the Middle East while the global balance of power is unstable.

In Israel, Wu Ying is arrested for allegedly providing false information on his application for asylum. Will he be able to negotiate his freedom, or will he be jailed – or worse, sent back to China?

I hope you all enjoy this series. God bless you, and have a great week!

Surprise! New book out next week!

Hello, everyone! Sorry for the long silence… I’m still here, and I’ve been busy. I’m happy to announce that I’ve been working on a surprise fourth book in the Mystery Babylon series, and it’s ready to roll out. THE LION is on pre-order for next week on Amazon, and here’s what it’s about:

Who will live, and who will die?

In the aftermath of a global war, the survivors on an isolated Southeast Alaskan island struggle to cope. But as Sierra Forrester and Austin Martin piece their lives back together, a new danger sails into their harbor. Can the islanders defend themselves from well-armed, trained and hungry interlopers?

Meanwhile, Wu Ying runs into serious complications in his efforts to escape China with his new Christian friends. Will he be able to leave the war-torn country, or will his attempts be thwarted? Failure could leave him destitute and trapped in a dangerous, radioactive landscape.

In Russia, Major General Ivan Orlov learns that the president’s beautiful teenage granddaughter suffered a horrific death in the aftermath of the war, and Ivan’s family is implicated in the tragedy. Can he clear their name before retribution is served on his household? Read THE LION to find out.

I hope you enjoy the story! May the Lord bless you and keep you, and cause His face shine upon you as you follow Him.

THE EAGLE is now available in audio

Happy August, everybody! I pray you are blessed despite the heat this summer (if you’re in the northern hemisphere) or happily enjoying the cool weather (big wave to my Australian and other southern hemisphere readers).

Just a quick note to let you know that The Eagle is available now in audio, for those of you who were waiting for that. I do hope you enjoy it, and if you feel led, please leave a review on the site where you download it. (I do try to read all reviews, and appreciate it when you let others know what you think of these novels.)

I’d like to share a wonderful scripture passage with you, because it blessed my heart last night and I think it will bless yours also. It’s Psalm 121, in the New King James Version:

I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, and cause His face to shine upon you. He is always faithful! Amen.

P.S. Feel free to comment below, or if you have a prayer request, you can send it to me using my Contact page above.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

Dear friends,

Hard times are coming. And we’ll be okay.

We’ll be okay because we know how this story ends.

We’ll be okay because we know Who holds our lives in His hands.

We’ll be okay because at the end of these hard times, we will have amazingly good times, if we love and trust Jesus.

But in the meantime, we must be strong in the Lord. In Matthew 24, Jesus tells us that people will betray us. We will be persecuted for our faith, and some of us will be martyred. During these hard times, many Christians will abandon their faith and fall away. Don’t be one of them! Jesus says in verse 13 that “he who endures to the end shall be saved.” (NKJV)

Be strong in the Lord, and endure. Wait patiently for the victory that is indeed coming. Seek His face and ask Him to guide your plans and actions. Be prepared, like the wise virgins in Matthew 25. Make sure you have extra oil for your lamp, and follow the instructions in Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV):

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.”

May God bless you as you pursue Him.

THE DRAGON arrives early!

Dear friends,

You’re all aware of the current events involving Russia and its new war, along with the potential for that war expanding beyond a regional conflict. Because my current series revolves around a Russian/Chinese attack on the United States, I’ve decided to release the e-book and paperback of The Dragon early. The release date has been moved from April 28 to February 28.

The Dragon is the second book in my Mystery Babylon series, so be sure to read the first book (The Bear) before you read the new release. Here’s the scoop on The Dragon….

A major earthquake, followed by a mega-tsunami, might swamp Russia and China’s war on the United States.

Suspected of collaborating with the enemy, Sierra Forester needs a safe place to hunker down until she can clear her name. Austin Martin might be able to help… or he might be the source of even greater problems. If he risks his life to protect her, can either survive?

Soon after arriving at their remote Alaskan hideout, a mega-tsunami sends Sierra and Austin running for their lives. Can they escape a watery death? How will this natural disaster affect Alaska – and all of the Pacific coast?

Meanwhile, Russia and China step up their war on the United States. Battles are being fought on multiple fronts. Neither side has yet resorted to nuclear weapons, but it’s only a matter of time. Can America fend off the communists?  Or will the Russian bear and the Chinese dragon finally pin their enemy to the ground?

THE DRAGON is the second book in my thrilling post-apocalyptic Mystery Babylon series. Begin this clean, faith-based adventure today!