Why I love BookBub

Recently I asked a friend if she subscribed to BookBub, and she’d never heard of it. I was a little surprised, because she loves reading… but as I thought about it, I was less surprised. After all, I’m a big time reader, too… and a writer. And you know how I found out about it? An attorney friend told me!

So for those of you who love e-book bargains and haven’t heard about it yet, here’s the scoop:

What is BookBub?

BookBub is a great place to find great books on sale!  You go there, set up an account, select the types of books you like to read, and get ready… each morning, you’ll have an email with links to books for free or really cheap!

Most are priced at 99 cents or $1.99, and I think the highest price is $2.99 U.S.

The sales are limited-time, though. Some of the books may be on sale that day only. Some might be on sale for a week. BookBub emails don’t provide that info. So double check the purchase price before purchasing, if you’re looking at yesterday’s email instead of today’s!

The worst thing about BookBub, in my opinion, is that they send me so many great deals that I buy too many and don’t around to reading them all. Seriously. I’m a book collector. But at least these aren’t taking up space in my house, and I don’t have to dust them. They’re e-books, hooray!

FYI, for those of you wondering about Band of Believers Book 3 — it’s on the way. Progress is underway for a late summer release. I’m loving this book, even more than the first two!

That is all for now, my friends. May God bless you!

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