Those of you who promptly pre-ordered Book 7 in my Daughter of Babylon series know it was set to release on November 28. I’m delighted to tell you it’s coming out early! The new release date for ALASKA is September 29, 2020. This is the final book in the series, and it’s packed with thrills, danger, and unexpected twists.

When you pick up ALASKA, you can plan on staying up late. While revising it, I had to binge-read… and I already knew what was going to happen!
Concluding this series is bittersweet for me. On the one hand, I’ve been chomping at the bit to begin my next series, Tribulation, so I’m excited to get started on that. On the other hand, it’s a little sad to say goodbye to the characters in Daughter of Babylon. They’ve become a big part of my life over the past twenty months.
If you’re new to this series, the first book, CALIFORNIA, will be free from September 30 through October 4. If you’re already a fan of Daughter of Babylon, perhaps you’d be kind enough to recommend it to a friend.
Looking ahead, I’m eager to introduce you to the cast of characters in the Tribulation series. They’re strong, quirky, and spiritual. I hope you’ll love them like you loved the Band of Believers and the cast from Daughter of Babylon. If you ever wonder what things might be like during the tribulation, I think you’ll really enjoy this series. Look for it in January 2021.
Until next time, my friends, prep and pray!
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