Dear friends,
I pray you are growing closer to the Lord during this tumultuous time. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful and loving Heavenly Father!
In World War II, folks in the United States and Europe were encouraged to grow as much produce as they could in what came to be known as “victory gardens.” They supplemented home rations, boosted morale, and relieved a burdened public food supply chain.
This February, I told my brother I had planted veggie seeds because I didn’t want to buy grocery store lettuce that had been handled, coughed and sneezed on by folks with the virus. My farmer brother told his friends, “if my sister’s growing food, everybody should grow food!” I laughed about this all the way through March, as I tried not to kill too many of my fragile lettuce and tomato starts. I’ve never thought I had a green thumb.
So far, the tomatoes, spinach and peppers have all survived, and most of the lettuce. Our Great Dane did “thin” the lettuce one day… that dog does love her salad!
Those of you who have read my Band of Believers series will recall that Willow and her friends were intently focused on gardening to provide food for themselves. I think it’s a useful hobby that all of us can learn for hard times.
And speaking of books… some of you have been patiently waiting for the fifth book in my Daughter of Babylon series. Well, “D.C.” is now available on Amazon! I hope you enjoy it.
In closing, I want to encourage you to stay close to the Lord. If the world seems to shift under your feet, remember, He is the solid rock! Make your life’s firm foundation on Him.
Blessings and prayers,
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