Paperbacks, finally! And a big Black Friday sale.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I am truly thankful for you, my readers. You are a blessing to me. I’m also very thankful to those of you who leave reviews of my books on Amazon – it’s immensely helpful.

As a way to give back to all of you, I’m doing a huge price reduction on my Band of Believers and Daughter of Babylon series e-books all weekend. So, if you want to pick up any books you’re missing, or if you want to recommend my novels to a friend, now is a great time!

Also, a number of you have been asking about paperback books, and I’ve been working on that for a while.

They are finally ready! And they are on sale this weekend! So if you’ve been waiting, now is your opportunity to pick them up at probably the lowest price they will ever be.

Thank you all for your encouragement and support this year. God bless you!


One thought on “Paperbacks, finally! And a big Black Friday sale.”

  1. I have just begun reading your book regarding Raven, Willow, etc who are questioning taking a government ID mark which may be the Mark of the Beast.Sorry, I’m old and can’t remember the name of the book, but it is Book 1 of a series.
    First of all, I am pre tribulation rapture believer, and have been almost all of my
    75 years. The scenario of the book appears to have the Mark appear prior to the rapture. At first I was confused with the dialogue, but finally figured that you were possibly using a mid-trib or even a post– trib viewpoint.
    I’m not sure if I can enjoy the books due to my firm convictions, but will try.
    According to scripture, the Rapture will occur first. Then sometimes later, the Tribulation will begin. Then at the midpoint,(3-1/2 years into the Trib) the anti-Christ will cause all to receive his Mark in order to buy or sell. Those who refuse will be hunted down and any found will be killed. These are the Tribulation Saints the Apostle John saw under the alter. Those who are able to stay alive during this horror will enter the 1,000 year reign of Christ and will repopulate the earth.
    As Christians, we can respectfully agree to disagree on the unessentials. But it does make me sad for unbelievers to read inaccurate (to me) information. I am writing to you as I don’t want to leave a negative review on Amazon. May God bless your gift of writing. Jane

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