‘AMERICA’ excerpt

Greetings, everyone! I’ve been getting questions about when the third book in the Daughter of Babylon series, ‘AMERICA,’ is coming out. And the answer is… SOON! September, actually, if I keep my fingers on the keyboard.

And for those who just can’t wait, here’s an excerpt from the book.


If you hate spoilers, stop reading right now. You’ve been warned.


The gas prices were staggering. Evan wasn’t sure if this was just normal for Canada, or if it was a result of the events in the United States.

After filling both vehicles, he went into the building to use the restroom. As he came back outside, he heard angry voices. His gaze went immediately to his truck and the Audi.

Sure enough, that’s where the trouble was brewing.

“You people are a menace to Canada!” A plump, black-haired woman in a pink tank top jabbed her finger at Elizabeth’s face. “Go home!”

Elizabeth opened her car door.

The woman’s boyfriend sauntered around to the passenger door and peered inside.

“Hey!” Evan shouted, hurrying toward them. “Leave her alone!”

At the adjacent pump, Dad opened his door and got out of the truck. “What’s going on?”

The boyfriend whirled on him.

“What’s going on, is you Americans bringing your radiation up here! You’re contaminating our country!”

“Yeah! Contaminators!” His girlfriend chanted. “Contaminators! Contaminators!”

She yelled and pointed at Elizabeth, while looking around. It was obvious she wanted a crowd.

“Radioactive contaminators!”

Dad rubbed his chest. “We aren’t contaminating anything. We were nowhere near New York City!”

“Radiation! Contaminators!” The woman yelled, and her boyfriend joined in. “Radiation! Radiation!”

Now they were drawing a crowd. And not a happy-looking one. Evan didn’t see a sympathetic face in the bunch.

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